Thoughts and tools about trauma informed music therapy.

Avoiding uncomfortable topics does not make them go away. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2020

Avoiding uncomfortable topics does not make them go away. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2020

Your therapist’s job is not to give you advice. It is to empower you to develop an inner advisor that you can learn to trust. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

Your therapist’s job is not to give you advice. It is to empower you to develop an inner advisor that you can learn to trust. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

Whitewashing rap to deem it “appropriate” is racist.

Whitewashing rap to deem it “appropriate” is racist.

For when you cannot avoid censoring. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2020

For when you cannot avoid censoring. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2020

Why a Board Certified Music Therapist? Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

Why a Board Certified Music Therapist? Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

You are always the expert on you. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

You are always the expert on you. Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 2019

This is how I start many of my adult and adolescent music therapy groups. We develop our topic/goal and interventions together in a person-centered trauma informed model.

This is how I start many of my adult and adolescent music therapy groups. We develop our topic/goal and interventions together in a person-centered trauma informed model.

A therapist’s top priority is not to get the client to trust them. It is to trust the client.Trust that they know themselves best. Trust that they deserve unconditional regard. Trust that their expression is valid and worth listening to. Trust they’…

A therapist’s top priority is not to get the client to trust them. It is to trust the client.

Trust that they know themselves best. Trust that they deserve unconditional regard. Trust that their expression is valid and worth listening to. Trust they’ll figure out what they need and how to get there. (Image is a green background with the above words)

Image of a fretless bass neck with the text: Trauma informed music therapy, clinical supervision and continuing education. Philadelphia music therapy.

Image of a fretless bass neck with the text: Trauma informed music therapy, clinical supervision and continuing education. Philadelphia music therapy.